A collection of influential books gifted from the personal libraries of revered arts and cultural figures.

Archena Horsting

Archena Horsting is an artist, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Kala Art Institute. Born in Chicago she moved to California at the age of 10. Horsting was exposed to the arts from her mother who taught sculpture at UC Davis. In her final year of school at UC Santa Cruz, Horsting traveled extensively and while in Paris, she took an apprenticeship at Atelier 17, a studio founded in the 1920’s by Stanley William Hayter. It is here she met Yuzo Nakano.
In April of 1974, Nakano and Horsting founded Kala which originally was named Wilmot Street Studios and emerged from a hand-built table, homemade hotplate and a single press situated in a garage studio in San Francisco.
Horsting’s 40+ years of devotion to the arts has
culminated community and provided a foundation
that nurtures the creative thought and the facilities
for the making and presentation of work.