A collection of influential books gifted from the personal libraries of revered arts and cultural figures.


Did you know it costs $25 to add one book to the collection? Did you know YOU can grow this collection by donating $25? We love this project, and because you are here, right now, on this donation page, we know you love seeing the books that have influenced creative minds. Share the love by funding the inclusion of one more books that will inspire future generations of thinkers, innovators and experimenters.


If $1, $3 or $5 a month is a little more in the ballpark for you, sign up as a Patron on our Patreon page. Your monthly donation supports our general operating expenses from traveling the project in the Archive Argosy to growing the book collection.


If you love what we do and want to help in other ways, share the project on social media by take a photo and telling us how THIS book has impacted you and your creative practice. Then tag us on instagram and Facebook @archiveculture on instagram and facebook.